The last version I really excelled at was FM14. The only problem is that most of the glory was some time ago. I’m not saying that I was ever a laptop Rinus Michels, but I’ve had my glory days. You see, I’ve been playing these games since the very first incarnation in 1992, the one with the angry man on the box. So essentially you get paid to play Football Manager all day and write about it? So it could be anything from assessing how well a particular transfer will impact a club to profiling the next crop of wonder kids. My responsibility is to create content around the database and features of Football Manager. I’m the Sports Interactive football analyst.

Having wrestled with FM2015 and FM2016 with only sporadic success, we asked Iain Macintosh to seek professional advice from an expert, Sports Interactive’s Tom Davidson. From what we can see, it’s bigger and better than ever. You might even have played the Beta version.

You might have heard by now that the new Football Manager is out on November 4.