Don't be afraid to test, it will not mess up with hardware or data in disk. Also the GUI of the driver goes white on some users after opening it. They are not mine, they are from a guy known by KbzaKas, and e quited the project some time ago and his last driver was pretty good in improvements and game tweaks and also uses the HD graphic interface, but it have some bugs like incompatibility with Windows Aero and Windows Image Viewer and Windows Media player. So i'll put here the links to the two best moddified drivers i've ever used. For example: If i'm using an aplication at 800圆00 and desktop is at 1280x800 the aplication does not fill the entire screen, it runs like 800圆00 in a 1280x800 window.Īnother problem is that the driver can't pull the max out of the graphic board, and i'm using a modified drivers for like more than a year and i got no problem so far, but as you supose they are not completly optimized, and some have some bugs. I'm using Intel 965 GMA on a Toshiba 元00 laptop, and the last official driver that is uploaded on Intel Download Center gives me black borders. Hi, I'm here to make a request for Intel Developers.