Because of this, a user must select a variety of arguments just to express the bare minimum necessary to connect to an LDAP server. Most of the OpenLDAP tools are extremely flexible, sacrificing a concise command structure for the ability to interact with systems in several different roles. Once you have the correct packages installed, continue below. On CentOS or Fedora, you can get the appropriate files by using yum. Update your local package index and install by typing: On an Ubuntu or Debian system, you can install these tools through the apt repositories. The prerequisites above assume that you already have access to an LDAP system, but you may not already have the OpenLDAP tools discussed in this guide installed. This guide can be used to get more familiar with these topics. You should be familiar with the basic terminology used when working with an LDAP directory service. You can learn how to set up an OpenLDAP server here. To get started, you should have access to a system with OpenLDAP installed and configured. In this guide, we will be demonstrating how to use the LDAP tools developed by the OpenLDAP team to interact with an LDAP directory server. LDAP systems can seem difficult to manage if you do not have a good grasp on the tools available and the information and methods that LDAP requires.